20 November 2012

Updates and Toys

My usually boring schedule has suddenly become busy lately, causing me to fall behind on "blogging". Sorry but I still consider it a strange verb. But I suppose that's common with any evolving language / vocabulary.
It may seem rediculous to some people, but with the rising uncertainty of what kind of future we are facing, I've been putting more energy into making sure my car is in decent running condition and stocked with emergency necessities, as well as updating my bug out bags. I keep more than one to be sure I'm prepared to sustain not only myself, but my wife and our dog as well.
My biggest additions to the bags have been a variety of homemade jerkies (beef, chicken, & venison), a new hatchet to replace one I lost, and more ammo for my pellet gun.  I know that last item might seem odd to some people, so ill explain my reasoning real quick.  I have a simple Powerline 201 by Daisy that shoots BBs and pellets. Its small and lightweight but does the job on small game.  The pellets I use are the destroyers. They are basically the pellet version of a hollow point bullet. In a situation where you don't want to give away your location, a quiet weapon seems to me to be a better choice. Personally i'd rather be safe and eat squirrel and rabbits. Small game also doesn't require preservation like larger amounts of meat would; leaving us capable of staying mobile if need be. It's also helpful when you dont have electricity or solar/wind/water generated power.
This is just my opinion of course. Each person should do what they feel is best for themselves and their family. Cheers.

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